Thursday, January 8, 2009
It's been SOOO Long
It's been soooo long since I have blogged, WHEW...where do I start, my locks, my locks, my locks it's been 1 year 5 months talk about a Journey, my locks have changed at least 50 times since installation, the curly Q's are almost gone and they have settled beautifully, I think the last time I blogged I was dealing with a lot of slippage well that's no longer the case the babies have matured alot and have growed tremendously my babies are now hanging on the bottom of my neck, now I'm noticing when I was my hair it takes forever to dry and it's heavy but they have not slowed down my workouts nor swimming, my ends have taken on a personality of their own some are fat, or fat and curly thanks to my texture and the pool that was to be expected.... in one of my previous blogs I talked about my daughter and wanting her to have locs but I didn't want to force them on her....we low and behold guess who's been asking for locks My baby Ally, she's tired of fighting with me about combing her hair and I'm sick of fighting with her and her hair, she originally asked me for a perm and of course I said NO!! she's only 6, don't get me wrong when she get's older like high school and can maintain her hair on her own...then she can go for it with my blessing but I would much rather she learn to deal with her hair in it's natural state, and of course she asked me about wearing a press N curl which I have done but I don't want to do that on the regular not with her swimming and everything else so of course she and I have been going back and forth about her hair for some months and she LOVES playing in mines all the time, so finally she says to me she wants her hair locked of course I was supper excited but I had to make sure she understands that this is not temporary so I made her wait 6 months and during that time she asked all sorts of questions like "what am I going to do with my hair when I have a dance performance" will I be able to swim etc...well we finally birthed her babies New years eve!!! what a way to bring the new years in, since she's had them she has shaked, and shaked and shaked and shaked some more, not to mention her mirror time has increased by 10 fold!!! and she's only 6 Ms. Linda in Atlanta did an AWESOME JOB!!! she did them over 3 days, she took her time with plenty of breaks in between I couldn't have asked for a better job, kinda makes me wanna re-start mines LOL!!! hers are soooooo neat, and cute!!! well as we all know, NO 2 sets of sisterlocs look alike
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
My hair, My Hair, My Hair a never ending story "of course not" afterall isn't that the meaning of a "Journey" well I have not blogged Since December (I think) I'm mostly a freestyle kinda girl, though I love the look of curls, twist outs, braid outs etc.. and sometimes I actually play in my hair and give it a new look even if it's only for a day, but I must admit when I have the cute curls going on it makes me really, really hesistant about working out LOL!! especially My Monday evening classes. but I get over it really fast when I have about 20 people waiting on me to make them sweat so the curls gotta go, but I'm going to get better at the styling thingy. I'm even considering doing the DIY action, my wonderful loctician had a very bad accident in which she broke her wrist and had to have surgery so she's going to be down a while, thou she has recommened a young lady to do my retightenings but it's just that she was sooooo flexible with my "crazy" schedule, so I'm now recanting the " I would NEVER DIY" it's now looking like a very good solution, right now I have about 1.3 inches of new growth I'm sooo in need of some work hopefully this weekend I will get it taken care of. I think my 5 year old daughter has finally bitten the loc bug, I've been trying to coax her into getting locs for sometime and she HATES getting her hair comb so as of lately she's been telling me mom I want locs but I gotta be sure that a huge investment for her to only want to take them down which is NOT an option, My 7 year old son is now growing a fro because he want's coils/twist I would love to loc his hair but I tell ya this Fro business is "rocking" my last good nerve most days because he hates to comb it out and whines when I do so I'm eager to start locking his, but we have about another month or so he has barely an inch on his TWA so it won't be long before I will have a cute lil family full of LOCS except the hubby he's bald LOL!! moving on, I had the great pleasure of meeting some wonderful people at the "Atlanta" meetup with Dr. Cornwell, Amba the host did a beautiful job of bringing it together, talk about a great time! It was really great being among sisters who didn't mind you touching and asking questions etc... and everyone was soooo open and down to earth I felt like I was in Loc heaven, Dr. Cornwell was very, very personable and open I was truly wonderful meeting her, Calla the master stylist that was on display did her thing to the fullest I've always admired her locs long before I knew who she was, my only regret was not bringing my daughter so that she could see all the greatness because she has this image of long flowing straight hair that just ain't gone happen, so I will bring her into the fold on the next event if only she could have seen the long beautiful natrual flowing hair she would be SOLD! for sure. till next blog happy lurking :)
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
it's a GREAT day
well it's been a couple of weeks sinced I Blogged so here I go....the last time I blogged I was very fustrated with slippage, but it's getting better my loctician recommeded that I come every 3-4 weeks so she can monitor me a little closer, good thing I like her like that :) nah she's my girl and going to see her is like going to see a therapist and I consider my time with her as "my time" uninterupted time, grown folk conversation time, and time away from being a mother so it works not to mention I LOVE the feel of someone else fingers in my hair. It seems as if my hair is changing daily I love the feel of it thru my fingers I guess I have caught the "disease" I notice my ends are starting to change and with the diffrent changes it gets cuter and cuter (is that a word?) LOL...but I hate that I even wasted time with bigger locs before but with all things it's a JOURNEY! I now have complete strangers walk up to me and ask me all kinds of stuff like... what is that in your hair? is that your hair? are those braids? and for the inteligent long have you had your sister locs? and what was your experience? and you know for me I could talk about hair all day!!! I went to a wedding last weekend where the Bride and 2 of the Bridesmaids had sisterlocs and talk about some CUTE styles, the brides was absolutely adorable! too bad I didn't take any pictures :( oh well I see them all the time anyway :) moving on...I've been trying to convince my 5 year old to let me LOC her hair and she's STUCK on NO, part of me wants to pull the "parent trunk card" and say you don't have an option...but she's stuck on having long straight hair that flows like caucasions that will NEVER happen, I've been trying to get some of her classmates to pursuade her, my kids attend an "african centered education" school therefore majority of the parents and kids wear locs and I'm hoping some of that would rub off on her, so far no luck... oh well moving on I would include some pics but I took my digital camera home and generally I blog and take pics at work because that's when I have the time to update my blog sad I know, but once I leave work I'm running to teach spin or aerobics and from there I go home help the kids with homework, finish dinner, wash laundry and whateva else needs to be done then it's bed time, and the weekend is just as busy so, why not do it at work? ok I'm off my soap box today...Moving on...LOVE, PEACE and NO HAIRGREASE!!!!!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
One Month Later

Just when I thought all was well with the world....I'm on my one month anniversary and I tell you somedays it's more than a notion...I didn't realize my hair was a sensitive as it is...let's just say 1/2 of the back slipped I didn't realize I had a tone of slippage until my loctician started "SCREAMING" huhhhh am I cut out for SL's? I have such an active life, and my head is wet 5 days out of seven, I teach Spin and aerobics along with swimming and I'm an extreme sweater... sorry, my hair will NOT dictate my lifestyle that was the reason in letting the perm go.....I hate the thought of having to braid and band everyday before my classes huhhhhh I gotta figure out a way to make this process seamless, so if you know of any short cuts or quickies I can do, I'm all ears....
these pictures were taken this morning after my AM run and I washed it...huh maybe tomorrow will be better....
Beauty is a process....

after wearing twist for a couple of weeks I was excited to begin my SL process WHOOOO hoooo let's go, I'm sick of looking at the twist...My SL's were started with 8-10 inches of natural hair and what a challenge that was...but if I had to do it all over again I probably would have cut 5 of those inches off !!!! but remember I wanted "length" the price we pay for beauty...for those of you that don't know me, I'm EXTREMELY tenderheaded ! and hate combing hair !! but the process was very well worth the outcome...
Moving on...

well after a year of wearing my 1st set of locks I started looking around and fell in LOVE with the look of Sister Locks after a month of pondering I decided to take the plunge, but I had one dilema I didn't want to start all over from the beginning I wanted to keep some of my here we go Pic 7 days later here I am BIG FRO it's hard to believe I had sooooo much hair on my head!!!
Wouldn't take nothing for my Journey now....
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